Tuesday 14 February 2012

Entrepreneur Vs. Businessperson

How have you been my fellow bloggers. Let me first of all pay tribute to one of the greatest singers of of our generation, Whitney Houston. Being valentines day, am sure one of her songs will brighten someone's day and that is one of the ways her memory will live on.
Going back to business, its that time where I bring you some fresh material that helps you make those baby steps towards your investment decisions.
For instance, lack of capital is the major challenge that the youth face in starting their own businesses. This is because most investors are only willing to put their money in an on-going business. Very few of them are willing to bank on ideas only.
The other hard part comes in when one is implementing the idea into a sustainable business venture. The sooner you define yourself as an entrepreneur or a businessperson will determine whether you will fail or succeed.
An entrepreneur will possess a certain skill that will enable him to run a business. For example, if I am to start my own accounting firm as an entrepreneur, I should be a qualified accountant who has vast knowledge in that field. A businessperson on the other hand will start his/her own audit firm and employ other accountants because he/she does not have that skill.
An entrepreneur will have an upper hand as opposed to the businessperson because he/she will apply a hands-on-approach. This will enable the entrepreneur be more in touch with his/her clients therefore tailoring products/services that suit them. Am not suggesting that one is more superior than the other. However, it is good to know where you fall so as to formulate a business plan that highlights your strengths and weaknesses, either as an entrepreneur or a businessperson.

The Shopper.