Thursday 14 June 2012

This little light of mine…am gonna let it shine!
'It is understandable when a child is afraid of the dark but it is inexcusable when a grown man is afraid of the light.'
I don’t mean to get all philosophical on you but just bear with me for a moment. This saying may have different interpretations but for the purpose of this article, am going to interpret it in terms of potential entrepreneurs/businessmen.
Every business stems out from an idea. We all know that sensation, drive and motivation we get when a good idea is conceived after a bout of reflection and meditation. This motivation however usually starts wearing off after we fail to act on that idea.
For those of us who participated in the NSE Challenge, we all remember the phrase; 'there is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come'. It's more like the proverbial opportunity knocking on your door. Ignore it and it will move to the next door willing to accommodate it.
It is normal to fear the unknown, the uncertain, THE FUTURE. But do not let that fear be the barrier to your success; rather, let it motivate you to tackle the future with confidence. As we the dot-com generation usually put it, late the hater be your motivator. Treat that inner voice that tells you that you can't as your hater.
To finish it off, being successful is not a walk in the park. If it was, the likes of Runda, Karen and Muthaiga would be slums as every Tom, Dick and Harry would afford the luxury of residing there. Don't let the fear of the unknown sabotage your destiny as an entrepreneur.
Kind regards,
The Shopper!